What Is Deep Link? Benefit Of Deep Linking

deep_linkingDeep Linking:- On the World Wide Web, deep linking is making a hyperlink  that points to a specific page or image on a website, instead of that website’s main or home page. Such links are called deep links. Court cases against deep linking have gone both ways in various countries.

If you haven’t tried SEO deep linking, you may want to start now. Here are some of its benefits.

1. It improves your blog’s usability. New readers of a blog usually find it difficult to navigate website links. At the same time, they most likely would not be able to read old posts that are as relevant today as they were when you wrote them. What better way to give them access to content they normally wouldn’t find on their own? All they have to do is click on a deep link and start reading!

2. It optimizes each page of your website. So, your index page has a rank of 2. But, what about the rest of your blog’s pages? Search engines rank sites per page. When you deep link, you leverage your own blog’s equity and increase the popularity of each page.

3. It increases each web page’s importance. The more targeted links pointing to a page, the more important search engines will consider it. You can make each page in your blog more important through external or internal deep linking.

4. It helps the “spiderability” of your page. Search engines’ spiders crawl the pages on your blog by following the links that lead to it. By pointing to your blog’s different pages, you ensure all your blog’s pages are spidered.

Of course, don’t go crazy on your link-building just because you can. Use it in moderation. If you can’t find a page that is relevant to a keyword, don’t force it. SEO deep linking won’t land you on Google’s first page overnight, but it does give you the upper hand in the battle for search engine supremacy.

About friendzmenia

I am working as a seo in yng media Pvt. Ltd. from six months, my hobbies are playing cricket, net surfing and Listening & singing songs.
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